Okay. Im feeling GREAT after my Kimora experience and even more excited after Chris Robinson and ATL. But a queen-to-be can't live off of great times alone. After a full week, getting in after 2 from the movie and laying out and sending the paper, and taking a 8am accounting exam (which many business students failed and this journalism major/business minor busted 100) I caught up on some much needed rest Friday morning and afternoon.
ButI couldnt afford to sleep all day. Our magazine group Cover to Cover had a conference to put on and I was nervous.
I dont think I really have said how much that organization is like my baby. I served as the first president of the newly formed group freshmen year, was president again last year and after coming back this year thought I would take it a lil easier as VP. I still do as much work as I did as president and was very excited and nervous for our annual magazine conference, themed U.N.C.O.V.E.R to arrive.
So I start thinking what I am going to wear for the night and check my email like I often do. I had a new message, one I had been anticipating since Monday: ASME Magazine Assignments. I was so excited to have been accepted into what is considered the best internship program in the industry! And now it was down to what magazine I would be at- a magazine that I had never heard of and no interest in, one of my choices of People, Teen People or Glamour, or my top choice of Essence magazine. I scroll down the email reading everybody's magazine placement looking for name and hoping I don't see anyone else's name with Essence under it before I get to my name.
So finally I get to my name.
And underneath it is Essence Magazine.

I scream, I cry, I pray, I breathe - not even realizing I was holding my breath and how much I wanted it until I have this release. And just as quick I realize we still have to get this conference started and am that more excited as I anticipate our keynote speaker the next day, none other than the editor in chief of Essence, Miss Angela Burt Murray.
But back to the conference. We just went to the Cotton Club fashion show Friday night, which started late, but was free so you cant complain. My best friend Celeste comes too and IM glad to hang because we don't chill nearly enough.
After our conference coordinators forgot they needed plates, napkins and cups to serve pizza Friday night, I was a lil bit nervous about our big day on Saturday. I had absolutely nothing to worry about. The day was FANTASTIC!!!! The speakers, Im talking managing editors and editor of chiefs from CosmoGIRL, ESPN, Heart &Soul, National Geographic and everywhere else you can imagine.
The best part was they all seemed really excited to speak to us and we were ready. People looked cute, had their resumes and cards ready and the event was a complete success. Running around and trying to help make sure the day went as smoothly as possible I didn't get to sit down and enjoy it, as I moderated and set up. But that was cool with me. Moderating our first panel I see Angela come in and sit down. And I def felt my heart beating.

I had had the pleasure of seeing her two times before (when the club went to Teen People my sophomore year and Essence in October.) But I still didnt feel like I really knew her or that she even remembered me. So after going through that session and another and announcing to everyone that the buffet lunch was served, I spot her and her husband in line and finally go introduce myself. I tell her that I am her ASME intern for the summer and she seems genuinely interested. I thank her again and as I walk away she tells me "Be ready to work hard" and with a smile and gutso I with enthusiasm reply "I am."
Still on my high I have to really keep myself and check and not shrink from the eyes on me as professor lamb shouts me out during her remarks.
Then its time for the Keynote and Angela rocks!!!!!
She doesn't give us any fluff or dreamy rhetoric. She reminds us of the stark whiteness of the industry we are entering and gives us the low down on how to make it big while black in magazines! We were all scribbling down every note of her priceless advice. And if the day, the fantastic week, couldn't get any better, she shouts me out as her new intern so now everyone knows. Not that I don't want to scream to the top on my lungs that I got ASME and Ill be at Essence!!!!!!!!! I just know how blessed I am and don't want to come off as a bragger.
So we all feel armed to succeed as Angela closes and the line to speak to her afterwards is a 20 minute wait. But when else will students get a chance to talk to a EIC?
The conference was phenomenal and Tia Williams headlines the last session, along with a successful Howard transfer student. And we all fall in love with her life all over again. She even shouted us out in her Shakeyourbeauty blog (
I have been reading her book since I got signed and personalized Saturday and am almost finish! Her and Angela both signed copies of their books we had the book store selling at the event and it was fantastic. I still read their personal messages to me to remind myself that this is all real. So I met my new boss, got more pumped for the future and once again, if its who you know, than I am def on my way:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!