

homecoming, smhomecoming . . .can I get a job?

October 20, 2006

So homecoming has come and gone . . .and Im glad its done. I mean I had my fun moments and appreciated the weather, but I'm that old lady in polka dots and I have outgrown crazy crowds.
Yesterday was the School of C job fair and our magazine group hosted our panel. It was on it! We had a creative director from USA Today Magazine who took his daughter to a Diddy photo shoot and he treated her like a star, the DC editor of Daily Candy who had the cutest mouse slippers by Marc Jacobs and gave us these cute Daily Candy baby tees and somebody took mine!, a Howard Alum who's sat in the Oval Office and lunched with Angelina and freelancer-extraordanaire Aliya S. King. I met Aliya this summer at a 'Dreamgirls' event, got her info and invited her to the panel.
Everybody was loving her stories, including the three years she spent writing a story on the woman who threw those grits on Al Green only to be found dead in his room a few minutes later and how she was a teacher in her hometown in Jersey when she knew she had to go for her writing dream.
By far the coolest part about her was her honesty about how she stalkerized those she wanted to work for (cough,cough . . . sound familiar?) and put me on blast as the stalker I am :).
But I guess it paid off as she told the crowd when Smokey (yes, from my beloved GIANT) was looking for an assistant and other staff, she thought of me. That made my week!
It's good to know what people think about you (even when its not good) because sometimes people see us completely different then we see ourselves.

Me and my BFF Celeste may not have partied like rockstars for homecoming but we did our all-time fav pastime: people watching!
The outfits and outlandish-ness of homecoming was so worthy of study. But the weirdest part for me was just seeing how groups of friends were so much alike. Back on the yard after the game we hit the ESSENCE tent where somebody told me "Charreah, you are full of it. You'll go far" She gave it as a compliment and I guess Ill take it as one. But I HAVE to get this thesis knocked out so . ..

The B.S. Queen