

Working my Way to a Man's Heart

February 19, 2007
If it's true what they say that the way to a man's heart is his stomach, well, I am a lot closer than I used to be!!! I have been cooking a whole lot this school year, more than I EVER have and I am enjoying it. Last week at Shoppers in the produce section I decided I was going to get some collard greens, something I havent cooked since high school when I did them for the Kwanzaa celebration at my church (BTW. . .did you see it Daddy's Little Girl? I was so psyched! That was my church all up and through there). So I started them Saturday to have for yesterday. They were great and I even added my own little spin!

So this morning I get up and see all these spices on the counter (yes, i actually took a picture). I'm thinking my roommate must have really cooked up something for her and her boo if she had all those spices. Im still feeling the pat on my back for those greens so Im nosey and look in the fridge to see what she has cooked up. nothing. then I see a pot in the sink. nothing. Im walking away and notice something orange out the corner of my eye in the trash can. A Ramen Noodle wrapper. She had cooked noodles. whew, I still have a chance.



  1. Bobby D. said...:

    Hey Queen,

    I was disappointed too, that you found nothing good in the fridge. I was thinking there had to be some kind of curry dish or stew or something savory.
    oh well. I eat my greens kinda plain these days due to health reasons, but they are still good.