

A little this, a little that

May 4, 2009

Sorry for the sporadic posting. Cant blame the alcohol.

Finally feeling a little more in a groove. My friend's wedding was the weekend before last and flying back in Monday and going straight to work, my week was on turbo for the rest of the days.

My roomie met the boyfriend and gave him two thumbs up (read they traded stories on my narcolepsy . .. its not my fault I get so comfortable I go to sleep on the phone:)

Thursday I went to a fashion event in Harlem hosted by a publicist buddy and chatted with Selita Ebanks and Jessica White about shoes. A few of the Harlem Heights girls were there along with Melyssa Ford. Loved her hair!

Next day we had to say farewell to fab freelancers at work and Rashida (the shoe store owner in the middle) and Nicole swung by the office for a quick hello. Good times