

Weddings, Winter and What Not

March 3, 2009
So I flew to Atlanta Friday nigh and seems I picked the perfect weekend. I originally booked for a bridesmaids meeting for the wedding in April. Then realized it was the same day as the wedding of one of my childhood friends. And talking to a publicist in Atlanta, I mentioned I would be in town and got invited to speak on a panel and hit up LeBron James's party. So yeah, the weekend was full and fabulous! Well, outside of being snowed there an extra day with my flight cancelled and coming back with a serious head cold. . .

The wedding was SO cute and the first ever to be at New Birth in Atlanta. It was one of my church friends so all the folks who dont even go to the church anymore came out. They're all mamas and wives now, so my eyes were extra big to see how much has changed, and the longer you talk, you realize how little has changed. My friend is the church drummer and his new wife cooridnates dance so there was plenty of creativity and art in the ceremony. They had African dancersperform and when she came down the aisle Three ladies in African garb sprinkled petals for her straight out of Coming to America. And the song playing was "That's My Dream" from 'Dreamgirls' - which the bride and groom had pre-recorded singing themselves;)

And Bishop Eddie Long made me realize how serious marriage is - and the importance of making sure it is the right person. Love is patient and kind!

And then it was time for the reception . . .
they got down! Mid conversation with my old Sunday School teacher I jet off because Cupid Shuffle starts playing and it was time to move. . .
to get the women out for the bouquet toss they play "Single Ladies." It is coming straight for me and I freeze. Luckily a few of the other ladies aren't so startled by marriage and quickly grab for it.

That morning I had stopped by old hairdressers ( I already had told her I had decided I wanted a perm again for the minimal maintence), then my little sis came along as I joined a media panel during a great PR Workshop hosted by the fab Garner Circle (they are so cool). Sitting in a room of young Black media professionals gave me a nice boost of energy and humbled me.

That Sunday we drove to South Carolina so I could see my grandmom and hurried back, thinking I was flying out. Well, the white snow that blanketed the highways made for other plans. I couldnt get out until after 6 so missed the the Harlem Heights premiere at the Apollo. But I did catch the show. I liked it. Of course it's really scripted, no place you go to is ever as empty as it is for the cast, and the cattiness is so extra (honestly people are too busy trying to make it to worry about what someone is wearing to their own bday party, grow up) . But it was just fun to know and have been to all the places featured. Guess I get out more than I give myself credit for . . .