I am pretty excited about the holidays and it will be my first Christmas in New York and I can't wait! Aside from plenty of sleep and finally decorating the place I am looking forward to getting some things done Ive been putting off for weeks, months even. Returning calls, reading books and shoot, hopefully a little Maury. I had a bad cold last week and even took my first sick day, ever. Sidebar: who knew Steve from Jerry Springer had his own show?
Now I'm feeling better even though I still sound like a guy. The charity I work with had a successful fundraiser on Friday and I am pretty excited as we work towards building a school in Liberia. The mission is phenomenal.
After the fundraiser I hit the roomie's bday party at Slate Plus and did my good duty making sure she got home and we had a good time. Even my work buddy Jonte came out who is a straight up clown(exhibit A: our picture above:). Saturday I made it to the run Mitz had organized and am still feeling it. We ran (I jogged/half ran/a few walking minutes) around the reservoir in Central Park. As we're walking up the first thing that comes to my head is "this is where Charlotte runs on Sex and the City." It was beautiful out there and we are set every month to do it as part of The Mission To Save our Thighs;)
Saturday night felt like I was back on the yard after the Notorious event, at a house party hosted by Howard alum. I even saw this guy I thought was so cute and shy when I was in school. And none of my usual lines could work since I had seen him around before. Ah well. Sunday morning Jonte dropped off his couch which is rather nice and a free hand-me-down as they upgrade to the black leather. Church service was great and just the jolt I needed

Once home I told my dad of my plans not to come home after realizing how much maneuvering it would take with buying a ticket close to the date and renting a car to get around. he took it in stride and my little sister was still excited for the first book she just got in the mail for our new book club. We're starting with the Cheetah girls:)
So as I daydreamed of all the things I want to do next week, I got a message for a guy I know in passing to go on a date on Christmas eve. He seems like a nice guy, but come on, Christmas Eve is kinda special and I don't plan on my company being an early gift. We'll see.
You have great style.