Well, now that I have completed my degree, I have a confession: I would completely be fine NEVER feeling the pressure to have to use it!
Now, I know I admitted to being sleep deprived but Im not crazy. really.
It's just the deeper I got in college, I realized I would be completely fine not having to be the breadwinner and being a "kept" woman. Meaning if I married a guy, who on top of being a match as my mate, also was financially secure so our well-being didn't rest on me pulling half that'd be just fine.
It shocked me when I first realized I would be ok with that because Ive always prided myself on my independence and gave my mom many headaches with my huffs of "I can do it"
But it just would be great to do what you really want to do and fully apply your talents if this months rent wasn't priority number one.
Speaking of being a kept woman, I have to slide a little Beyonce talk in. I know, I know, but I can't resist:)
It's just I love 'Flaws and All' and the video is cute I. And after jamming to the song and daydreaming on a love like that on comes her version of "Kissing You", though I didn't even know there was an original till Whit told me. So on comes "Still Loving You" and I try and get into it and everytime I find myself rolling my eyes. She's belting and so emotional and Im like don't cry about being away from JayZ because you NEVER have to be away from him a day in your life if you don't want to. So many other women with husband's who are in the army, working three jobs to take care of five children or incarcerated, would do a lot for a chance to never have to be away from their man.
So Beyonce, love ya girl, but you get NO sympathy for whining about being away from your boo.
Now I understand if you're crying you still love him after really losing him like "Principle Grier" on The Game on Monday. I was skaing my head after her tirade thinking she should have held back, though Im suspect of a black guy who is the ONLY black person among his closest friends . . .but her stats of 42 percent were pretty accurate from my thesis research.
Back to my "kept woman" thing, well, just to be clear it's not the same as a trophy wife.
Now, Im not with Whit's plan of being "Trophy Wife," though we differ on what a trophy wife is and debated whether in some couples we knew the wife was a "trophy wife." I mean, I think I have Upgrader potential and am a great socializer and hostess but I wouldn't want what I can do for your image to be the reason we were together and I wouldn't want a guy who liked women who used him for what he could do for them.
just being real,
CJ .
Condrats and welcome to the "real world1"